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Kuala Lumpur
April 28, 2024

Fostering Environmental Responsibility: A Look Back at GIIS KL's Earth Day Assembly

To coincide with International Earth Day, which falls on April 22nd, GIIS KL hosted a special Earth Day Assembly for students from Kindergarten to Standard 12 on Friday, April 26th, 2024. This engaging assembly aimed to cultivate a sense of responsibility for our planet and raise awareness about environmental issues.

The assembly kicked off with a high-energy performance by primary students singing the "Save the Planet Song" by Miss Linky. This infectious tune set the tone for the day, getting everyone pumped up about protecting the Earth. Following the energetic start, students took center stage again with a captivating dance performance based on the "Mission Paani Anthem," a song highlighting the importance of water conservation. Clad in shades of blue, the dancers showcased a giant, student-made Earth model, reminding everyone of the precious planet we inhabit.

The assembly continued with insightful speeches delivered by students on various Earth Day topics. These presentations were followed by a heartfelt rendition of the song "I am the Earth," further emphasizing the connection between humans and our planet. Secondary students then took the stage, presenting a thought-provoking skit before captivating the audience with a graceful dance performance.

The assembly culminated with an inspiring speech by Principal Ms. Dipti Joshna, who echoed the importance of Earth Day and its message. Throughout the event, the variety of student-led performances – from singing and dancing to speeches and skits – not only fostered environmental consciousness but also nurtured teamwork, self-expression, and appreciation for nature. This 9GEMS holistic approach aligns perfectly with GIIS KL's commitment to developing well-rounded individuals.

Furthermore, the Earth Day Assembly connected with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN, such as Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, and Life on Land.

Even though Earth Day 2024 has come and gone, the message of environmental responsibility continues to resonate. GIIS KL's Earth Day Assembly serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of fostering a generation of environmentally conscious individuals who can work towards a sustainable future for our planet.


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